Become a partner school
We partner with eligible schools in disadvantaged areas to deliver reading support and literacy resources to children who need us the most.
Since beginning in 2018, we have partnered with over 300 schools in England and Wales to deliver literacy support. Our mission is to instill a whole school reading culture in every partner school and ensure every child can discover the power of books. If your school is interested in partnering with us, please fill out the form below.
A message from Paxton Academy
Our partner school, Paxton Academy, is a fantastic example of how we’ve worked with a school to create a whole school reading culture. Through donating books and providing one-to-one reading support, the children have access to a range of diverse and inclusive literature.
Number of resources delivered
We’ve delivered over 650,000 resources in total to our partner schools.
Your Story Corner packs given
Rocket Packs delivered
Bookmark Book Booster packs delivered
Comic books given
Frequently asked questions
Bookmark partners with schools in areas of deprivation with higher than national average levels of pupil premium and IDACI figures (Income Deprivation Affecting Children Index) along with lower than national average figures for Key Stage 2 reading levels.
Interested in partnering with Bookmark?
If you’re interested in finding out about how to partner with us and how we can work with your school, please fill out the form below and a member of our Schools team will get in touch.
Bookmark’s programme has recently helped our school in Ofsted ratings from ‘Inadequate’ to ‘Good with Outstanding leadership and management’. The recent Ofsted report even stated: “this school lives and breathes reading” – a monumental whole-school change and testament to what can be achieved with help from key partners, friends, and the community.