Trustee of Bookmark Reading Charity

We exist to change children’s life stories through the joy of reading 

In a ‘normal’ year, one in four children in an average class will leave primary school unable to read well. These children will struggle in school and beyond. They are at risk of becoming one of 7 million UK adults who struggle with basic reading every day.  

Reading isn’t just about books. It’s about reading a road sign, a safety manual, and a birthday card. It’s understanding a job application and the prescription that could help save your life.​ Children from disadvantaged homes are most at risk: four in ten children on free school meals are not able to read well by the age of 11. Poor literacy can lead to limited job prospects, poor health, low self-esteem, and even reduced life expectancy.  Our Chair, Sharon Pindar, knows this from personal experience: her mum was unable to read. That is why Sharon created Bookmark. 

As a leading reading charity for primary school children, we partner with schools to develop whole-school reading cultures and provide one-to-one reading support. Through our flexible volunteer-led programme, we give children the reading skills and confidence they need for a fair chance in life.

We are now growing fast and expanding into new areas, in addition to increasing our service lines. Last academic year, Bookmark delivered over 40,193 reading sessions to children at risk of being left behind. We have just delivered our 100,000th reading session and are aiming to deliver ~ 50,000 sessions in 2023/24. 

Bookmark is looking for a new Trustee with experience in communications, PR, marketing (especially digital marketing), or the scale-up of an organisation/operational capability. We welcome applicants with strong skills, experience, or knowledge that can support the effective and efficient administration of the Charity. We welcome any candidate who can contribute greater diversity in its widest sense to the Board, including diversity of background, life experience, career path and thought.

Role Type: Voluntary 

Time Commitment:  4 meetings a year plus pre-reading